Friday, I had an amazing time hosting @d98tm District Director DTM @niteshaga

A quick summary of the session - The 1% Rule

A simple yet powerful practice to get the best out of you

So what is it?

#Toastmasters #District98 #mondaythoughts #MondayMotivation

[6 min read]

Congratulations, you are one among the 1% people who clicked on the tweet I shared, I'll be honest only 10% will read till the end and out of which less than 1% will try to implement this.

I'm sure if you implement in the correct way you'll make yourself 1% better every day 🏄‍♂️
In this thread, I'll brief you about the following

- Pareto's Principle
- How we are all connected to 1% Rule
- Session by Niteash
- Incorporate 1% Rule in your daily life
Pareto's Principle:

Sometime in late 1800, a man called Pareto has made an interesting discovery. He is a mathematical fellow, he is walking in his garden one day near his pea pods and found an interesting thing.

80% of the peas are contributed by around 20-30% of trees.
He is an Italian and started analysing Italy's wealth, he found that 80% of the wealth is contributed by 20% of the population in Italy.

Later he did an analysis on British and found 70% of the wealth is owned by 30% of the people in Great Britan.
As he continued researching, he found numbers are quite the same and the trend is consistent. Majority rewards seemed to accrue to a small percentage of people.

The idea that is a small number of things account to majority results became known as Pareto's principle.
If we take soccer 77 different nations participated in the world cup, just three countries Brazil, Germany, Italy have won 13 of the first 20 world cup tournaments.

Above numbers are covered in Pareto’s book - Cours d'economie politique.
How you can implement Pareto principle in your life?

Focus on what is important and prioritize your efforts, refer to the pic.

The numbers may not be the same every time but serve as a reference to the idea
Let's dive into 1% principle

Scientists categorised Amazon rain forest has around 16,000 species of plants. However, 227 species of plants make nearly half of Amazon rain forest.

Just 1.4% species account for 50% of the forest.
Two plants growing side by side - Plant A Vs Plant B

If one plants grow 1% extra taller it gets more sunlight - then it grows fast, stretches taller, catches more sunlight and soaks up more rain.
The next day additional energy allows the plant to grow more and take a good share of sunlight and nutrients from the soil.

From this advantageous position, the winning plant has better ability to spread seeds and reproduce, eventually dominate the entire forest in long run.
Let's take one real life example

10 Java developers attended an interview and they need one candidate - all of them are on the same level with a high level of technical expertise.

You have learnt an additional tool and you are 1% better than everyone the job is yours.
You don't need to be twice as good as the other, who is slightly better end up with the majority of the rewards.

Winners take all the rewards, isn't it?
The 1% Rule is not merely a reference to the fact that small differences accumulate into significant advantages, but also to the idea those who are 1% better - rule their respective fields and Industries

At the end of this thread - I'll give you small tasks to implement 1% Rule
Niteash has spoken for about 25 mins followed by a 15 min Q&A

His session is focussed on below points
- Consistency
- Explained phases of growth using a sigmoid curve
- How the human brain is wired
- Visibility that Toastmasters provides you
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