I'm enjoying a martine cocktail and listening to Supertramp's Breakfast in America
Its insane how many songs on side A alone are certified ear worms i thought other bands wrote
These two tweets are brought to you by me trying to replicate the bar experience by getting tanked and listening to classic rock classics
Look out everyone, manton's waxing nostalgic about his life pre American collapse
I remember when I first moved to this neighborhood I was biking home from work on a warm summer night, and I stopped into Hola Arepa and sat at their bar window in the open air, had a couple rum punches and got into an argument with some frat dude types
miss walking around the neighborhood at night, feeling like there was music in the air and I had like, a fulfilling adulthood ahead of me. Not that I don't anymore. I just hate that I have to be hyper aware of hygiene and viruses and shit for the rest of my life
when a vaccine is readily available im STILL gonna wear my mask for another year or two, just cause I truly don't feel safe existing in a world that other people inhabit anymore
Hey if you're seeing this thread with this tweet on the end, listening to classic rock and drinking a cocktail made me reminisce about when my life was brighter
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