1) Yesterday I received one of the most targeted campaigns of abuse so far.

Today I spoke to someone who’s GF tried to commit suicide over the weekend due to depression.

If you support lockdowns you are complicit in this. You support suffering, global poverty & mass starvation.
2) I make no apology for standing up to tyranny; for fighting for our freedom; for challenging the junk science and fraudulent data that has been used to shut down our country and destroy the economy. If we destroy our economy, we destroy the NHS, public health and this = deaths.
3) So keep abusing me and trolling me as much as you like. I have done my research. I will not be gaslighted by the lies and BS the mainstream media keep pumping out through our televisions. I suggest you wake up very quickly, or you will have no future left to look forward to.
4) I do not give in to bullies. I do not give into trolls. I do not give in to abuse. I am stronger than all of my enemies. So I will continue to do what I believe is right and I will not stop fighting until the truth comes out & the lies used to perpetuate fear have evaporated.
*I deleted part 1 of this thread because on reflection, it wasn’t my news to share.
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