Earwigs are much maligned and my intent with this thread is to spread some information and appreciation!

Let’s start by clearing something up:

Earwigs do NOT burrow into your ears to lay their eggs or eat your brain!
No one is quite sure how this ridiculous myth started, but earwigs are mainly harmless creatures that don’t bite or sting, but they can give a pinch with their cerci (butt pincers) if they feel threatened.
Earwigs belong to the order Dermaptera, meaning “skin wing.” They have two sets of wings, the first being the protective, leathery forewings with the second being the membranous and gossamer hindwings.
These wings are intricate in their venation and the compact way in which they fold is of interest to many scientists who seek to replicate the method for technology and engineering.
Female earwigs stand apart from most other insects by being attentive mothers who fiercely protect and meticulously clean their eggs/offspring. Studies have even shown that earwigs raised without mothers don’t seem to make very good parents themselves!
Earwigs display sexual dimorphism in their cerci with females having less curved pincers than the males. The cerci are theorized to perform a variety of functions such as deterring predators, obtaining mates, capturing/holding prey, and helping in the unfolding of their wings.
Earwigs are primarily nocturnal and feed on decaying vegetation and small insects and are beneficial to the health of the environment. If you happen to see one on a nightime stroll, be sure to take a closer look! They’re quite the fascinating little creatures.
This thread was made for entertainment/education purposes. I claim no ownership of photos used. Info has been generalized a bit as earwigs are a diverse group of insects so there may be species that are exceptions to the statements made here. I just want people to like bugs more.
Any person leaving disparaging or hateful comments towards insects or arthropods (like “kill it with fire” or “I would step on it) will be blocked.
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