For years and years now, the (Wmin) government has provided a top up of funds to universities for support for disadvantaged students called "student premium funding"
This year - during the pandemic - Gavin Williamson cut the funding from £277 to £256m. There's £150m for FT students, £66m for PT students and £40m for Disabled students.
The idea is that it goes on costs universities face in supporting students to succeed. These costs were significant pre-pandemic and during pandemic all the issues are exacerbated.
Fairly early on in the pandemic, questions started to be asked about whether the government would put any additional money in to help students. It was announced that some student premium funding might be able to be "reallocated"...
...“there may still be significant uncommitted funding for planned activities such as the delivery of face-to-face outreach activity in schools which have been closed as a result of the coronavirus outbreak” said OfS
That seems to have given DfE the green light to spend the money over and over and over again on almost anything you could think of to do with students, hardship, costs etc
It's been deployed in Parliament at least 40 times in total on any number of things connected to students (of all types) and universities. Yet every penny diverted in this way represents a cut to normal support for disadvantaged students.
To see how much money was allocated in SPF this year see here. You want columns X, Z and AB - as there's been no direction allowing providers to mix money between FT, PT and Disabled.
That does mean by the way that just £130m is available to support FT students that are not Disabled.
Normally about 40% of the funding is spent on access, so let's say that's about £78m for current student success, progression. Now have a think about how many students that's supposed to be supporting, the purposes listed above and the extent to which it's already been budgeted.
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