Kubernetes (K8s) is an in-demand technology! 🚀

Let me give you some resources to get started and add my own opinion at what you should learn as a developer, and what not!

My own to cents:

Even in times of serverless and other awesome offerings, it doesn't hurt having a little knowledge about Kubernetes.

Not all workloads are suited for serverless, and sometimes you need more flexibility.

At this point, K8s enters the arena. ⚔
Gone are the times where the only valid choice you have is setting up a cluster on your own (which is a science for itself sometimes, btw).

You can still go for a managed K8s offering like:
- Azure: AKS
- Google Cloud: GKE
So what should you know as a developer?

1. You should get comfortable with what a Pod is and how to deploy one.

2. Learn about Services and what they actually do for you.

3. Get comfortable with Deployments!

4. Get to know ConfigMaps and how to pass properties to your app.
5. Spend some time learning about different types of secret stores and why they are so important before you save clear text passwords in your ConfigMaps!

6. Revise everything you knew about how to write software, and then take a look at 12-factor apps -> http://12factor.net 
"And what else?" you might now ask.

Everything listed above is the minimum a developer should know if they want to work with Kubernetes.

You could learn more if you like, but you shouldn't learn less, at least if you plan to really work in a K8s environment.
Larger companies nowadays have the money to actually pay dedicated DevOps engineers to do the really heavy lifting and working with K8s.

But depending on where you work (or you don't) it might be pretty clever to learn more about K8s, as it might improve chances for your career.
I myself am not a huge fan of giving developers even more responsibility than they already have.

There is so much more to K8s than only what I listed above and told you to learn.

There is an ecosystem full of tools, addons, and advanced techniques to get the most out of K8s.
We haven't covered techniques such as GitOps here and putting everything into code that we possibly can, and then automating it to the point where manual labor (except committing and pushing a change to a remote repository), but this is pretty advanced stuff. 😊
*where manual labor isn't necessary, anymore
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