Everyone's talking about #narcissism, named after Narcissus from Greek myths. He would LOVE the attention, but can we talk about #Echo for a minute?
She was cursed to only repeat words most recently said (mostly by him) and was rejected by Narcissus. She was obsessed and kept after him anyway, until they both wasted away to nothing. He was staring at his reflection; she was focused on him.
What would Echo want us to know, today? You'll never win over a narcissist, you'll never even be able to tell them anything they don't already think. They will drag you into their self-centered world until you lose everything.
Don't let them lead you. Set boundaries, and enforce them. Live your own life first. Maybe this means less election #doomscrolling, or more donating and volunteering. Maybe just more self-care.
For those of us with narcissists close to home, these are old lessons. But maybe they will help someone reading this? I hope so! Now go do something that makes you feel happy đŸ˜‰â€
Oh, and powerful. Do something that affirms your power. And while I'm not a big GS fan, this is definitely the right GIF for this thread 😆
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