tw // racism
so apparently people are still being rats about hispanic/ latinxs people so, i’d just like to state some facts or stuff about ~us~ since some of y’all think that making offensive comments is fun
okay, before I start, i’d like to state how I am NOT attacking anyone, i’m just trying to raise some awareness since people have affected me emotionally by saying offensive things abt mexicans so yeah okay let’s go
1. please don’t ever tell anyone something like “oh, but you don’t look hispanic/ latinx !!” this hasn’t happened to me, but, my sister has been told this several times so ;-; hispanic/ latinxs don’t look all the same like idrk how everyone expects us to look but like ??
tw // drug mentions

2. not ALL hispanics/ latinxs are drug dealers. assuming that just because we’re hispanic/ latinxs that automatically makes us drug dealers is rude/ disrespectful. also, not all drug dealers have the options most of you in sure have. some don’t choose to —
do this, they need money and resources and therefore become drug dealers.
3. don’t EVER ask someone if they’re legal alright ?? first of, i don’t know why that should matter to you like, it’s not your life. it’s not something that is going to harm you directly so i don’t get it why you should even think of asking that.
4. trying to change names of people like rosa becomes rose or stuff like that. names are names. it doesn’t matter where you live or where you moved to, rosa will STILL be rosa in greece, rome, england, china, wherever you want.
it’s like one am so idrk if any of this made like any sense at all but yeah if anyone has any further doubts or whatever, slide into my dms, i’ll try to answer as soon as possible ;))

also, i’ll probably add more stuff to this thread so yuh ✋🏼👁
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