Critique big game companies when they fuck up.

Maybe don't use it as a way to go AND THIS IS WHY PEOPLE SHOULD PLAY **MY GAME** INSTEAD.

It isn't one or the other. The entire point of questioning the status quo is to make better spaces, not replace oppressors with yourself.
That's how it reads to me whenever some devs critique the larger players in our space. Any nuance is lost in a mess of self-promotion. And some of it hits once again on how hiring your BIPOC/neurodivergent/disabled friends doesn't equate to
"transforming the industry".
If we really want to change things, consolidating power around new centers isn't how to do it. Empowering MORE people to make their own decisions, create games of their choosing, and feel safe - even if we don't personally get along with them - is what we should aim for.
It is totally fine to want to uplift just yourself, make money, and focus on your success. I just take gumption with people who are obviously out to do that but pretend that they're all about The Community, or following some sort of higher cause. That's dishonest.
And if you really are trying to both, hold yourself to high standards. Are you doing a thing just for you/your product, or is it because you truly want to help?

Some of the worst folks in any space are those who believe that their good intent absolves them of everything.
Finally: don't assume that it HAS to be JUST your game/games of your choosing Or Else. Players play D&D together with PtbA and tiny indie games all the time. Assume they are capable doing the internal math behind whether or not to endorse things without you yelling in their ears.
And also, this is your regular reminder not to punch down at creators who choose to put themselves out there for work with "evil" companies. Some of them want to believe in the possibility of changing things from within. Some of them do it because they need to survive.
I'm two years into game dev & I've already seen too many people scream into the void about taking down big names while offering absolutely no productive solutions.

Unless you can hire me and my own in a sustainable fashion, don't shit on the ways we choose to support ourselves.
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