i didn’t even hear of what happened to amber today until i saw it on the tl and i am DISGUSTED. idgaf who the hell you support NO political affiliation ever gives you the right to believe you are above another human being, much less have a right to ASSAULT THEM. fuck you.
PLEASE. I BEG FELLOW AMERICAN MOOTS. if you are 18+ and have legal eligibility PLEASE vote him the fuck out. use your voice. election day is drawing near and i couldn’t be more serious about the fact that i’m terrified for the future of this damned country bc of the ignorant—
imbecile that’s in charge of it right now. there are no excuses to be made for him or for his supporters. we need to settle for biden and get him the fuck out. the injustices in this country are unbelievable, and if he wins another term it will genuinely be dangerous for any——
group that is not cishet white men. trump is a fascist. he is a racist, and a white supremacist. he is sexist. he is homophobic and transphobic and xenophobic and islamaphobic. he is horrible person and an even worse leader, he is going to do nothing but drive us further—
into the ground. there is not one single redeeming quality about this man. him and his supporters have a superiority complex that is DANGEROUS. he doesn’t care about you. he doesn’t care about the people he cares about money, fame, and strife. please stop letting him win.
i repeat. vote him out. please. settle for biden, use your voice, and VOTE HIM OUT.
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