As I’m redefining my style, Im keeping a running list of current inspiration sources. Here’s some films/shows I’ve been rewatching and pulling inspiration from (a thread):
First up ofc we have Tangled the Series. (Ignoring the fact i adore the actors & artists behind this series) The thing I really love is the use of shapes & curves in the shows style. Quite frankly I think besides it being tangled, THATS what made me so enthralled w/ it 1/?
2. Anastasia. Don Bluths work is just magic, but something about this one is Just spell binding. The expressions are incredible (also the side profiles are perfect) & the way the colors are in each scene Really sets the tone (a note I took that I would like to improve in) 2/?
3. Tarzan. I’ve always held a soft spot for Tarzan, but looking from the art side there’s something in particular that’s been Sticking out to me lately. The use of perspective (especially from a 2D animated standpoint) is incredible. The angles in some shots just are amazing 3/?
4. Lilo & Stitch. Literally cannot do an animation thread without this. Everything about lilo and stitch is just incredible. From the multiple body shapes shown throughout the film, the bright colors used, down to the Art style itself. Everything about this movie is perfect 4/?
(More on this thread tomorrow, as Im try to send more files out tonight ☺️)
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