My name is Harmeet Kaur, “God’s friend” and “princess” in Sikh scriptures, the Guru Granth Sahib. My parents selected the name in a religious ceremony. I voted for @realDonaldTrump. People sometimes mispronounce my name, and I correct them and move on, because I’m not a child.
While growing up in Democrat-dominated rural North Carolina, I encountered some bigots. I encountered a thousand times more kind and decent people who respected and welcomed my Sikh family. I learned from my faith not to hold grudges. I cannot control others, only how I react.
It is sad to see so many successful Indian American women wallowing in self pity and perpetuating the grievance culture, teaching it to younger women also. They would be better served by owning their uniqueness and feeling free to be whoever they want, not victims and followers.
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