// gore mention

i said it once and I'll say it again: STOP SHAMING PPL WHO LOOK @ GORE TO COPE!!! here's a thread on why
tws : self harm (no images) , gore (no images) , intrusive thoughts

i bet you're wondering; why would people look at gore to cope if it's so disturbing ? and im here to personally answer that question!!
well, some people such as myself struggle with intrusive thoughts, +
self harm, etc , and at times, we can't cope with these urges in healthy ways that don't hurt ourselves or other people . (keep in mind this is only my personal reason and reasons that I've heard from friends. if you have other reasons feel free to reply with them!) +
looking at gore could, at times, help some of the intrusive thoughts or urges to hurt ourselves . again this is only my personal way of coping with it, but feel free to ask other questions in the replies!! i hope this thread could help educate a bit
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