Ok I'm almost done with my voltron rewatch so this is going to be a thread of ~opinions~ brace yourselves
Years later and I'm still mad they KILLED LOTOR who was by far the most INTERESTING character in the entire show??!!
Usually I'm 100% for character death but it added nothing to the story AT ALL.
Speaking of character death.... Man they did allura real dirty. Also shiro's mysterious boyfriend adam who died off screen with 0 explanation and shiro was upset for like 1/1000th of a second
Speaking of allura her and lance came out of nowhere if y'all wanna talk about het pairings that did not need to happen at all lol
I wish they had focused more on Lance's self doubt and lack of confidence more. It was barely touched upon. Also I wish they had focused more on hunk in general, such an underrated character
All of season 7 was sooooo boringgggg I could not care less about any of the human characters other than the paladins
lol send me to hell because I was totally riding the she*th train until the "you're like a brother to me" line happened (who am I kidding that didn't stop me)
Kl*nce lost all traction after season 1 and yes I am censoring the ship names the show has been over for a while but the fans... If they're still out there... I'm scared of them
Ugghmdfkgk this show is so frustrating because there were great characters and so many good ideas and great intrigue (like shiro being a clone - that could have been way more of an interesting plot twist) but the whole story like... tripped and fell on its face tbh
One thing they did right? Keith. Giving keith a space wolf. And his galra mom. 👌👌👌
EXCEPT that one episode with the 1 minute montage of Keith and Krolia hanging out in the quantum abyss or whatever and then cut to Keith saying "wow I can't believe it's been 2 years!!" haha what. That is... the laziest writing ever??
But man every episode that had the paladins sending messages home to their families on earth and then when they finally get to earth and hug their loved ones and Keith is just like standing there off to the side because he has no one waiting for him hahaha..hah... 😭😭😭
They shoulda given allura a girlfriend I mean romelle was RIGHT THERE.
The atlas turning into a robot was some dumbass dues ex machina bullshit
Ok I'm going to stop watching now I will torture myself more tomorrow I guess
It's funny that season 8 of vld is about reality falling apart because it's like the shows established reality is falling apart
I completely forgot about honerva finding lotors shriveled up melted corpse in his mech.... Lotor deserved better god this show makes me sO MAD
Y'know I fell down a rabbit hole about some conspiracy that season 8 was edited and the whole show was changed last minute
What if the show runners were like "wow we created a terrible fandom... We must destroy them" so they totally ruined their own show for the greater good
Also what even happened to Keith and shiro's relationship?? They don't even interact at all later in the series. Were they that afraid of ship wars??
Iol I remember I was so into this show i literally waited like 3 hours outside of NYCC to get into the panels and when these last two seasons dropped I was like 😐 and never spoke of it again
I still don't understand why allura has to sacrifice herself like what just happened
Aaaand the bullshit epilogue ending. Yep. Still hits wrong.
Yeah so idk why I put myself through that I guess I was hoping I'd feel better about it after the rewatch but nope I have reaffirmed the fact that the show descended into a pile of shit 😐😐😐
OKAY I LIED one more hot take: Lotor and Keith shoulda been half breed bros why didn't they interact?? They coulda swapped haircare products and bonded over being abandoned by their parents. A missed opportunity indeed 🙁 ... end thread.
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