1) So consider this: when the DemoKKKrats started planning their strategy--I'm guessing in March or April--they still thought they would lose. They knew Biteme was incompetent, even in the confusion of the China Virus.
2) They probably thought, "OK, we'll squirrel him away, keep him out of public sight, and let Kampuchea handle the load."

Mistake #1. She was an instant bomb, and was actually worse than Demented Perv Biteme.
3) At the same time, they thought they could use the Vote By Mail (VBM) scheme to extend voting way past Nov. 3.

While I don't think they seriously believed this, some of them no doubt thought they could drag it past Dec. 13.

I think some lawyers finally did some 'splainin.
4) So initially (again, I'm guessing April/May) their plan was to VBM the hell out of the system then string it along with the complicity of the Blue Govs.

5) Enter the GOP and the courts.
6) This was squashed faster than a Milli Vanilli reunion tour.

7) Moreover, the wizards of smart in the DNC failed to grasp that if they scare the oldsters to death and have them VBM, they won't have anyone voting on election day.
8) But wait! It gets even better!

Because they have "pre-voted" (like pre-boarding an airplane. As George Carlin says, how do you "pre-board?"), ALL OF THEIR VOTES ARE TALLIED EARLY. They will be the first ones on the board on election day.
9) Moreover, people have been watching these come in for months. Nate Cohnhole has been breathlessly watching the numbers rise, failing to understand it's like a 440 meter race with staggered starts. The GOP "lane" is mostly on ED. Yeah, it "looks" like the outside lane is ahead.

The DemoKKKrats have no hats from which to pull rabbits on election day.

11) This nullifies another of their poorly thought-out strategy of VBM, namely to claim fraud.
12) Even for their most disingenuous hacks, it will be pretty hard to claim fraud when only 3% of the DemoKKKrat ballots are still outstanding and they are losing by 5%.

13) It will be a case of, "Even if we say ALL the outstanding ballots are for Biteme, he still loses."
14) So whatever quidspickel genius in the DNC dreamed up this particular scam, he should be Robespierred.

15) And, perhaps juciest of all, the very nature of reporting, even by the punkpidgels at CNN, MSNBC, and Faux, will be to report what is HAPPENING.
16) You know what's going to be happening on election day?

Republicans are going to be voting.

Pretty much ONLY Republicans are going to be voting. Overwhelmingly Republicans are going to be voting.
17) It will be near impossible for any Hoax News org NOT to report that, no matter how they spin it. The momentum is going to build on election day that the GOP tidal wave has come. "We never expected this!"
18) It will be made manifest in so many states, in so many races, that it will be impossible NOT to call these states for Trump.

They can look forlornly at 1/2% outstanding absentee ballots that amount to 5,000 or to Trump's 180,000 lead, or 400,000 lead.
19) This is so delicious. They not only screwed their candidate with a moronic strategy that makes Minion's "ORCA" look like a good idea, but they screwed their post-election day strategy AND their media election day strategy.
20) As per 10/11 court cases so far, they have to stop counting no later than Nov. 6. They gave the Rs time to mount court challenges and, equally important,

21) Amy Coney Barrett.

Why? Cuz she is going to be confirmed and they can't stop it, and ANY of these cases that gets to the USSC after Nov. 3 on an expedited basis will get squashed faster than Cubans in Grenada.
22) I'm telling you, if they thought Cankles' campaign was a cluster you-know-what, the post-mortems on this one will see DemoKKKrat strategists exiled to horror spots . . .

like Macon, Georgia, or Bullhead City, Arizona.
23) It's a beautiful thing.
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