Tony and I are doing our gay duty & starting Love, Victor.
The love interest is a Trader Joe's brand Ant*ni Por*wski.
Tony, upon hearing theme song:

"I cannot believe how hokey this is. This is worse than ABC Family."
The dialogue in this show is so bad, it might be good?

Is this post-camp???
Victor just said Call Me Maybe was his jam when he was "little."

This narrative is venturing into some biphobic crap we are not here for!
Lake Meriwether is an icon, and B*be W**d's performance is a tour de force.
This character's father—who is now a university president—started a relationship with her mom when she was HIS STUDENT, but we're just gonna breeze by that... 😬
We hate ourselves, so we're back at it on episode 5.
Lake and Felix are the best characters on this show, and it isn't even close.
Perhap I am too much of an old to say this, but there is no amount of disbelief that can erase how little these actors look, talk, or act like high schoolers. SOPHOMORES.
Episode 7 is so H WORD!!!
I realize this thread is relevant to only like 5 of y'all, but it's too late to quit now. teehee
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