a thread about epilepsy because people are often misinformed on the information ; a thread :)
Epilepsy is a common condition where sudden bursts of electrical activity in the brain cause seizures or fits, it can happen at any time off day no matter what your doing.
epilepsy isn’t just the simple “ drop to the floor and have a seizures” type thing , Yes some of these seizures do occur in some people with epilepsy but there’s so much more to it.
so a lot off people believe that the only type of epilepsy is photosensitive epilepsy that is triggered by flashing lights, not everyone with epilepsy suffers from this and is uncommon in a lot of people.
The main symptom of epilepsy is repeated seizures. Some seizures cause the body to jerk and shake (a "fit") while others cause problems like loss of awareness or unusual sensations. They typically pass in a few seconds or minutes.
Seizures can occur when you're awake or asleep. Sometimes they can be triggered by something, such as feeling very tired.
1. a feeling that events have happened before (déjà vu)
2.stiffness or twitching in part of your body, such as an arm or hand
3. unusual smells or tastes
4. a "rising" feeling in your tummy – like the sensation in your stomach when on a fairground ride
( note I have these type teehee)
1. picking at clothes or fiddling with objects
2. making random noises
3. chewing or swallowing
4. rubbing your hands .
5. moving your arms around
^^^You will not be able to respond to anyone else during the seizure and you will not have any memory of it.
( I also have these type aswell)

1.stare blankly into space
2.look like they're "daydreaming"
flutter their eyesmake slight jerking 3.movements of their body or limbs
The seizures usually only last up to 15 seconds and you will not be able to remember at all
where some or all of your body suddenly twitches or jerks, like you've had an electric shock. They often happen soon after waking up.

 usually only last a fraction of a second, but several can sometimes occur in a short space of time. You’re normally awake.
Clonic seizures cause the body to shake and jerk like a tonic-clonic seizure, but you do not go stiff at the start.
They typically last a few minutes and you might lose consciousness.
note there are a lot more seizure types that I haven’t included into this thread because it’s overwhelmed and a lot to educate so I’m giving you basics :)

2.a lack of sleep
3.waking up
4.drinking alcohol
5.some medicines and illegal drugs
6. in women, monthly periods
7. flashing lights (this is an uncommon trigger)
Epilepsy can start at any age, but usually starts either in childhood or in people over 60.
It's often lifelong, but can sometimes get slowly better over time.
epilepsy can be treated and you can be put on medication but it’s all different for everyone, please be aware that some people with epilepsy don’t have the typical seizures you think off , and be aware off the seizures they have.
please inform yourselves thank you:)
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