The protests have been very successful and effective, it got the government's attention and they listened and acknowledged the message. The government have been responsive to the protests and agreed with the 5-point demands and according to what I learnt from the government ...
... aides on TV, they have been taking the items one by one. Some of the items are short-term issues which they have been addressing, they have also pledged to follow through with the long-terms issues that are mostly matter of policies which cannot be done in a short time. ...
... The government has also opened its doors to talks and dialogue and there is also a provision for youth representation in the state-controlled judicial panel of enquiries. The government has agreed to fulfill all demands of the protesters but now the demands seems to be ...
... shifting and morphing into other issues including fixing Nigeria. To me, if the protests becomes all about fixing Nigeria and the protesters are saying they will remain in the streets and roads until Nigeria is fixed then it might be tough. To my mind, to fix Nigeria is ...
... not a quick fix. Nigeria's problem is fundamental. To fix Nigeria involves a few fundamental steps, 1) scrap the 1999 military constitution and throw it inside thrash can 2) the sub nationals will elect their representatives to attend a sovereign national conference where ...
... they will produce a Nigeria people's constitution of which the constitution will define a restructured Nigeria with powers devolved from Abuja to the regions and federating states. 3) would have been to reform INEC and digitize the electoral process to enable Nigerians ...
... truly elect their leaders in credible elections devoid of rigging and sundry manipulations, but thankfully INEC is already moving in that direction. If anyone thinks Nigeria is going to work effectively and efficiently with the present unitary administrative structure we ...
... are operating, the person might be mistaken. We are just patching Nigeria up and just making motions without movement and we have to keep patching it up until one day we shall elect a leader who is able to restructure the country, then the country will fly and things will...
... work satisfactorily. So if the demands of the protesters is shifting towards 'fix electricity, fix roads, fix the economy, fix standard of living, etc. and until you do that we are not leaving the streets and roads', then I don't understand how this will work. These ...
... issues are symptoms of a bigger disease, the bigger disease being Abuja trying to control every bit of what happens across the entire Nigeria, using one template to try solving a problem in Anambra and Kaduna. Anambra has its peculiar issues as different from Kaduna and ...
... the indigenes of these states understand the issues better and can solve them better. For Abuja to try to solve the problems with same template and not even having a close range grasp of the issues, is not as efficient. So it's better to let Anambrarians handle their ...
... issues and let Kadunanians handle theirs and let Abuja deal with nationwide issues. The structure of Nigeria is where solution starts and these items being mentioned are just symptoms and saying you shall keep protesting and block major roads until all Nigeria's problems ...
... are solved, I think does not sound right. The protests have been successful for the initial purposes it started, government have agreed to ALL points and demands made and have opened their doors for talks and dialogue. ...
... I think it is time to move from the streets to the discussion table. #EndPoliceBrutality #EndSarsProtests
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