i am in no way a professional nor i claim to be but as someone with bpd i would like to discuss a few things. i feel like with personality disorders in particular people seem to hesitate and push the topics aside bc they aren't as commonly seen and spoken about as depression,
anxiety and other more common mental disorders. we get misunderstood a lot and it sucks yeah. we feel emotions really intensely and we're being called over dramatic. ppl often view us as "abusers" or bad people bc of our way of expressing feelings, extreme fear of
abandonment and impulsive behaviour. we feel so lonely, so alone with ourselves bc it feels like sometimes society doesn't even want to try to understand us. the lack of knowledge and resources often lead to misdiagnosing ppl with bpd to depression etc. which can lead to
wrong kind of treatment and help. as if it's not already hard enough for us to get help or live our daily lives. the stigma surrounding bpd is already making it hard for us to trust others and accept ourselves.
we are real people who suffer from a very difficult personality disorder. we are not bad people, we are just as valid and important as everyone else.

i know this thread is a mess and probably doesn't make any sense i just had to vent out my frustration
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