Well, it looks like 😷are in the news again. With Dr. Atlas posting doubt that masks are effective (and @Twitter subsequently squashing the tweet), it’s probably time for a quick refresher (just in case anyone is still wondering). Let's answer the misinformation with data 1/11
So, do masks work? A lot of different types of studies evaluate this question. One of the more interesting ways to look at this is to look at local infection rates before & after mask mandates. It’s sort of an observational study. 3/
Next, the holy grail; the meta-analysis. This one in
looked at over 170 studies evaluating MERS, SARS & COVID-19. Masks (both in health care & non-HC settings) led to reduction in risk of infection (n=2647; aOR 0·15, 95% CI 0·07 to 0·34, RD −14·3%, −15·9 to −10·7)
Honestly, though, this may be my favorite.
@DukeHealth experience. 70% of HCWs acquired COVID from co-workers not patients. They flattened this curve with a universal mask mandate. The elegance of this small study was the use of community-acquired incidence in HCWs as a control
Finally, these articles evaluate if a mask protects the wearer, but remember, my mask protects you and yours protects me. This article argues that absence of evidence in this case means we SHOULD wear a mask until we have evidence of harm. the “precautionary principle.” 10/
Compare to a recent CDC study from September of a case in March on an airplane with a 62% attack rate. Mask usage is unknown for this study, but this occurred before mask usage was recommended in vogue, so presumably can work as a control 14/15 https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/11/20-3299_article
So, in summary.
1) Presymptomatic transmission happens
2) Yes, 😷= ⬇️risk, esp if prolonged close contact
3) Precautionary principle states we should #maskup until we know we shouldn't.
4) Yes, these studies are >3 months old. Why are we still talking about this??? 15/15
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