It’s a feature of the Finkelstein Method.

Triggering visceral emotions creates allegiance in voting behaviour.

Accusations used:
1. Sexual impropriety
2. Criminal corruption
3. Substance abuse and violence
4. Targeted hate like racism, misogyny & homophobia
Every accusation is amplified exponentially. It doesn’t matter if people believe it. It only matters that in comparison to other candidates, the accusation exists.

Smears create doubts and trigger a visceral response to the alleged crime.

Even if voters disbelieve the accusations, the physical experience of those emotions paired with the accused candidate’s identity produces a negative pairing reinforcement.

It’s explained in behavioural psychology. Voters are treated like the dogs in Pavlov’s Dog experiment.
Pairing negative visceral emotions with centrist candidates produces a predictable behavioural response.

We like to think we are above the pairing of negative stimuli and voting behaviour, but we are all biologically based. Our nervous system is hardwired to respond to stimuli.
Like a reflex arc, behavioural responses are hardwired into our physical being. We are usually unaware of what triggers them because they operate in our subconscious. Unless we’re aware of stimulus of negative emotions during information gathering, we’re susceptible.
Susceptible to manipulation by those attempting to shape our subconscious. This article explains in more detail. This phenomena is what defines us as biological beings. We like to think we are in total control of our intellect, but that is a fallacy.
For example: imagine eating dinner with your plate of food sitting on the closed lid of an unflushed, just used toilet. Your emotional response is hardwired. You can’t override that response because it’s hardwired into your central nervous system. The emotion is disgust.
Now, if every time you ate dinner that image was conjured in your mind, you would soon cease to eat. Even though hunger is a powerful physical need. Because the experience of disgust is stronger than hunger at any given moment.

It’s an evolutionary survival mechanism.
Fear, disgust and rage. Those are elemental emotions built into our central nervous system that keep our species alive. No intellectual exercise can override those emotions once they are triggered.

It’s part of the human condition. We are biological beings.
When you pair a neutral stimuli with one that elicits those emotions, you manipulate the response to the neutral stimuli.

Ringing a bell when feeding a hungry dog imprints a biological response on the dog’s central nervous system. The dog isn’t aware of the imprinting.
Neither are the majority of humans when they’ve been conditioned to a stimuli. Like smears and false accusations.

Ring a bell and a dog involuntarily salivates.

Make a provably false accusation about a candidate, it will predictably elicit a visceral emotional response.
And that is why so many people HATE PM Trudeau so vehemently. They can’t even explain why. They just do. Because they’ve been behaviourally conditioned to elicit that response.

This behavioural mechanism works on those who are only semi-aware of the political environment.
Most of the population doesn’t attend to Canadian politics as intently as the readers of this thread. Most read headlines only, casually discuss politics in social groups, glean information from what’s trending, they are on the fringes of awareness.
Those are the people most vulnerable to induced despondency or visceral emotional responses.

Those aware enough of the trending narrative, but not so aware of the venal nature of the populism now infecting politics in Canada, they are susceptible to behaviour manipulation.
That’s the population NDP and Con partisan narratives are aimed at. At the most vulnerable to behavioural manipulation.

These are the people who will vote based on emotional responses or fail to vote because of disgust, apathy and despondency.
Behavioural science isn’t that difficult. There are basic principles of conditioning, rewards and punishments, continuous reinforcement that explain the manipulation of behaviour.

These mechanisms have been studied and perfected for political weaponization. They are being used.
This is what SCL, Cambridge Analytica and Aggregate IQ used to manipulate voters. Highly unethical behavioural modification experiments were banned in the 1980’s because of the psychological impact on subjects. The American Psychiatric Association developed ethical standards.
But a psychiatrist or psychologist without ethics can easily develop a behavioural modification regimen to shape voting behaviour. That’s what has occurred. That’s what SCL was doing for decades before being exposed by Carole Cadwalladr’s Cambridge Analytica expose.
Most of SCL efforts were targeted at developing nations & paired with military initiatives. The US & UK used behavioural modification techniques to perform state craft in developing nations.

Were ethics applied? Probably. But ethics seem to be absent the last 15 years or so.
I can’t answer that question, but I presume the answer doesn’t include benevolent adherence to APA ethics.

The continuous use of smears and false accusations by NDP and Cons is quite purposeful.

How do you think Q’Anon was created? And by whom?
Q’Anon conspiracy theories include extreme fiscal and political corruption, pedophilia, satanic worship, consumption of children’s blood.

Those accusations elicit a visceral emotional response. They are meant to.

Q accusations are aimed at centrist politicians.
They are also aimed at liberalism, humanism, democracy, decency, compassion and everyone who believes in those values.

Q is a behavioural modification regimen meant to eliminate moderate liberals and Liberals.
So, @8maggiemay, your observation is VERY pertinent to what is occurring in Canada, and the world over.

Humanity is being conditioned to hate political moderation. By both ends of the political spectrum.

The result, if left unchecked, will be our collective extermination.
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