CPS-corrupt government agency supplying global trafficking rings
How are so many children taken every year? Who is taking them? What happens to them after being abducted? Every 40 seconds a child is abducted in USA. Here’s a breakdown of those abductions:
72% of the abducted are female.
43% between the 10-14 years old
38% happen when a child is alone or unsupervised.
37% occur on weekdays 2:00-7:00.
68% of abduction suspects drive a vehicle. Most children are grabbed off the street or lured somehow to the vehicle.
63% of abductions are from an acquaintance, only 37% from a complete stranger.
80% of abductions occur within a 1/4 mile from home.
74% are murdered within 3 hours.

These stats are from the FBI and the U.S. Justice Dept. The stat that sticks out most to me is that 63% of abductions are from an acquaintance. How can that be? Consider this.
If a child is in foster care, they have more than likely met a police officer, a judge, a social worker, and someone from Child Protective Services. What do any of them have to do with 63% of abductions? All of these people listed are trusted members of society, right?
A simple search on the internet uncovers an overwhelming amount of CPS literally taking and stealing children from families. This government agency has morphed into a dangerous and effective tool for the global child trafficking rings. Licensed to steal your child.
CPS will look for children who are most vulnerable. Children who may have 1 parent who’s an addict, few relatives, no grandparents, etc. These kids are targetes because chances are, there won’t be much noise about them missing. The parent(s) may, but this a government agency.
And children are big money. As this world grows darker, the demand for children reflects a feeding frenzy for a satanic global trafficking pedo ring. This is an excellent documentary on someone who lived to tell their story.

The market for children is now changing. With DNA collection and organ harvesting, children of all backgrounds are now on the menu. Think of Google providing a video menu of children via school software, DNA info and genomes stored by Google, and Maximus, inc. funding all of it.
So hasn’t anyone stood up to try to stop this global racket? Certainly politicians have noticed. Of course they have. Unspeakable acts with children keep them silenced. This is the power structure. But what if an outsider came along? Someone innocent that can’t be bought?
Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer and her husband Bruce were shot to death in their bedroom. Her published report “The Corrupt Business of Child Protective Services” certainly brought unwanted attention to her.
Read about it here.
Check out the damage CPS regularly does. Notice social worker and police working hand in hand. The attitude and abuse of power used by the “social worker”.
In Kenrtucky, “The system that is currently set up allows for the social workers to call an on-call judge on the phone and then fill out the order themselves, a blank order with a judge’s signature on it,” attorney Karen Faulkner said in an interview....
“Children are being illegally taken from their home without judges’ proper authority.” In some cases, attorneys and some judges claim cabinet workers have used blank copies of the pre-signed child removal orders to take kids from their parents only later filling in paperwork.
Newsweek recently ran an article by Michael Dolce called “We Have Set Up a System to Sex Traffic American Kids,” in which he dropped staggering statistics that should make American parents take action. https://pjmedia.com/parenting/megan-fox/2018/12/27/is-child-protective-services-trafficking-children-n114037
Think about natural disasters. The demand for children makes me think parents are murdered just to take the children. Who’s going to speak up? The UN? Think Haiti. Remember the Idaho woman, caught trafficking 33 children, Hillary had released and returned to USA? Laura Silsby
Laura Silsby took 33 kids from Haiti and was trying to take them through the Dominican Republic. Let’s look at this on a map and see where she was headed. Remember what went on at Little St. James (Epstein Island).
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