If you were wondering why it is so important for Democrats to shed Neoliberals from their leadership, @CassSunstein is exhibit A. In this nutty editorial, he actively argues that raising wages kills jobs- the core claim of trickle down economics and Neoliberalism. https://twitter.com/bopinion/status/1317474155265220609
In the absence of any empirical evidence, and in the direct service of economic elites and their enablers everywhere, he repeats the tropes of trickle-down, all in the tone of "seriousness" than always accompanies such nonsense.
The people at the Chamber of Commerce and the Heritage foundation must be wetting themselves over this. Nothing is as useful to the disinformation campaign against working people and a thriving and inclusive economy than emboldening a trickle-downer that wears a Democratic hat.
The thing that is truly astonishing, is that in a world where the median American full time worker has been effectively robbed of 50% of their rightful income, all in the service of making the rich, richer, you have people who recently worked in leadership in a Democratic....
Administration actively protecting the interests of economic elites who are crushing the lives of the bottom 90% of Americans. But it is stuff like this that provides a window into why the Obama administration was so ineffective on these issues. They clearly did not understand.
And it makes it even clearer why the Biden Administration must free itself from these knuckleheads and forge a new path on economic policy rooted in the idea that a thriving middle class creates economic growth, not the other way around.
And you wonder why s many people think that Democrats are just feckless corporate stooges too!
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