Ok cool. Let’s do oppression olympics. According to @stonewalluk, Bi people have higher rates of:
- depression
- anxiety
- suicidal ideation
- self-harm

Than L & G people https://twitter.com/graywnd/status/1317736436209168384
Also according to @stonewalluk, bisexual people are:
- less likely to come out
- more likely to be discriminated against in our own community
- less likely to partake in the community we helped create as a result
According to @BRC_Central, we are also:
- more likely to live in poverty
- more likely to experience intimate partner violence

But PLEASE, do go on about how hard it is to let your parents know *checks notes* that they won’t get kids....?
Like adoption isn’t a thing. Like surrogacy isn’t a thing. Like IVF isn’t a thing. Like bisexual people also don’t have to deal with that.
You want to play oppression olympics? You wanna play THAT game? Let’s play. Let’s talk about how L & G people continue to oppress others in the LGBTQ+ “community”. Let’s talk about THAT!
Let’s talk about how the mother of pride was bisexual, yet y’all made it “gay pride” and actively excluded bisexual people from their spaces. Let’s talk about how you shunned us out and left us without a support network.
Let’s talk about how we suffer at a grander scale. How we have to CONTINUALLY come out and are invalidated EACH and EVERY time we do. How we had to create our own spaces that receive zero funding (or 1%, if you want to be exact about it)
Let’s talk about how bisexual asylum seekers are denied application because of their identity and sent home to their deaths. All because of this constant “bisexuals have it easier” ideology yall like to pedal
You wanna play oppression olympics? Ok cool, I’m game. But I can GUARANTEE you, you will lose.

Or you can sit down, shut up, and eat your salad ☺️
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