Reading tweets by #Kwasizabantu apologists has me shouting at the walls EXACTLY! THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT'S WRONG WITH IT, NOT RIGHT! I am so happy that so many have good experiences but the inability to cope with scrutiny is EXACTLY the problem. That circular reasoning:
Telling #Kwasizabantu expupils to be grateful, also dismissing them for choosing a cult school then complaining about it... DO YOU HEAR YOURSELF? Are you saying: being a cult implies abuse and that minors ought to have known? That they should be grateful despite abuse?
In the end, in a closed hierarchical community like #Kwasizabantu, by hook or by crook the upper echelons will NEVER be blamed and the victim will always be accused (Erlo Stegen's irreproachability is dogma). And now they try to preach it to the outside and it won't fly.
Nowhere in the justice system can you counter accusations of abuse by saying: but other people were happy. Why does #Kwasizabantu think it can? Cults cannot endure criticism. The closer to the leaders and the doctrines the criticism cuts, the more vehement will be the apologism.
I'm not going to care about #Kwasizabantu anymore. I am not an impartial observer. My experience of the place has been consistently sinister. Nowhere else have I ever felt such a sense of oppressiveness and lurking danger. I am grateful my connection to them has ended. Be free.
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