When I found out my dad was sick and his days were numbered, I snapped him ALL THE TIME. I kept them in my Private files. I had him record his final goodbyes to ALL of my siblings and his mother, sisters, and brothers. When he finally did pass, I played his goodbyes at his
funeral and this guy had the nerve to say "before you leave, eat up, I know there's a lot of food here, ON ME" 😅💀 My siblings would cry about how they didn't get a chance to say goodbye or say they loved our dad. So when I say those videos came in clutch.. they CAME IN CLUTCH!
My dad had small beef with one of my uncles and when my uncle came to see him at the hospital after he passed, he didn't have much to say until I showed him the video that my dad made for him. He said "You know us, we will always be boys no matter what etc" that closure was all
my uncle needed. My dads video to my siblings all were different in a way. To my baby brother manny he used soft words to fit how he knew manny would react to his passing. To my teen brother naia, he used motivating words cause he knew naia would be driven in football and etc.
He used strong words with my sister Jess cause knew she would be the shoulder her mom (my step-mom) needed and he used guiding words with my brother Magic cause as the oldest he knew that my brother needed it to lead the way for us younger ones. He made one for my step
mom but I won't speak on that. I have thousands of videos with him and my kids and his final words to my baby girl and son. When times get rough for me and days are a little heavy I rewatch all their recordings to get over his passing. I was so worried about how my family would
handle my dads passing that I encouraged him to make these videos to help everyone grieve a little easier when the time came, that I didnt realize I didn't have my dad make me one😔 Even though I dont need it and he's watching over me, its still hard to breath without him.
Anyways, if you're bored enough to read this all the way through.. my advice to you is make lots of memories with your love ones. Record it as much as I did. My dad would complain about me and my phone in his face all the time! lol He'd say "you gotta pay me to record my muscles"
😅💀 Just do it! Trust me it helps a little. It's been 4 months since he passed and its tough. So spend as much time with your parents and family because when God calls them home you will only regret the time you lost with them. Peace and Love yall💕🙏
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