you ever think about how dionysus described getting drunk and obsessed with your art, theres a word “dionysian” that describes the side of art that is a crazy and destructive force & then black swan came out which was the "hangover" of dionysus, losing your passion for your art
black swan was more like "the fear of losing the passion for your art, that it doesnt feel the same anymore" and then you have dionysus that explains dunkeness and madness as it appeals directly to man's instinctive, chaotic emotions and not to his formally reasoning mind.
it's just a very verpleasing way to showcase map of the soul starting with you know persona a sode that is shown to the world and as persona ends we see how addicted the artist becomes it goes over to the shadow that describes the loss it's such a good transition
they both just show their emotions very well dionysus being very loud and overwhelmingly ecstatic while black swan feels delicate and almost like floating esp the orchestral version I just love how they contradict but also dont??? It feels like an aftermath
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