🙋🏻‍♀️ I think I’ve done it
💁🏻‍♂️ does it fold over stiffly like Trump?
💁🏻‍♀️ It looks stiff... I’ll take this out and try, you check the chicken

🙋🏻‍♀️Needs one more minute
💁🏻‍♂️ Not quite like Trump. Getting there.

*explanation to follow. A🧵
Some of you know I moonlight as an amateur Procrastibaker.

Pro•cras•ti•bake /prəˈkrastəˌbāk/ (verb)
“the practice of baking something completely unnecessary, with the intention of avoiding ‘real’ life tasks”
I am not sure when the line is drawn between amateur and semi-pro, but I think I just drew it.
Now did I draw that line from the procrastinating or the baking... maybe both?
I have been known to bake my way thru anxieties and Imposter Syndrome throughout medical school #MedStudentTwitter

So much so, last year I requested a KitchenAid for Christmas. Combined well with Lexapro and weekly walks with my best friends,
I am myself!!
This week my ERAS application will submit to apply for residency in #match2021 @TheNRMP

I’ve seen so many people successfully check that box ✅— y’all I’m proud of you!!! Here I am, however, scrolling over the pages I’ve had prepared for some time. Imposter Syndrome setting in!
Fell into old habits and instead of clicking ‘Submit and Certify’ my mind put together the ingredients we have for baking:
• 2 past ripe bananas
• Whole Milk (idk why, we do not have a toddler)
• Half and Half (ah, this must be from leftover baking)
• S’mores stuff
Banana pudding was born. Graham crackers instead of Nilla Wafers, but that’ll have to do.

S/o (💁🏻‍♂️) reaction.....
Used the bananas, milk, half and half, 1/3 s’mores stuff... ended up with 6 egg whites left over. Finished the pudding, it’s set and cooling! Now, time to submit that application.
Or is it 🤔
I think this is where the line was drawn. This morning while watching Bake Off, Mark L, a carpenter and kitchen fitter by trade, made Italian meringue. It had the perfect stiff peak. Enter the Donald Trump comment that started this thread.
6 egg whites. Who needs an omelet tomorrow when you can have lemon meringue cookies TODAY! 🍋 🍪 🍦
You can follow @Kait_Brown_.
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