A study of warrior imagery in the New Testament might do the evangelical manhood guys some good. A few texts come to mind (a thread):

1) Let's start with the Beatitudes (Mt. 5:1-12). Blessed are the meek, etc. Remember those?

2)There there is Mt. 5:39: turn the other cheek. Many evangelical sermons on this verse are expositions about all the times this does not actually apply, because "truth" and "our rights." 2/
3) Let's see, then there is Jesus telling His disciples that two swords was enough. Not sure His tone - whether a rebuke or allowing for self-defense - but one thing is certain: He did not say, "Arm up! Make sure you have twelve swords, plus a few daggers." 3/
4) One time Jesus' friend did take up a sword. That did not end so well. Thankfully, Jesus was there to heal the man he attacked. Also, Jesus said he had a bunch of angels at His command if that was how it was supposed to go down. They are better at this stuff than we are. 4/
5) But what about the times swords appear after the Gospels? Let's see: James is put to death by a sword (Acts 12:2). Paul & Hebrews do mention the Church bearing swords, and those references are to (squints)... Scripture. So: talking. Proclaiming God's grace. 5/
6) But Jesus bears a sword in Revelation! Yowza, it's the sword of His mouth (Rev 1, 2, 19). More talking! The proclamation of God's grace & judgement. Maybe that's how Satan is crushed under our feet. Words, man... how wimpy. 6/
7) What about the soldiers that John the Baptist, Jesus and Peter interact with? They're not told to quit their jobs. Nope. There is a kinda studied indifference to this. Yeah, they're soldiers, neither celebrated nor vilified. The Church is about other, more important stuff. 7/
8) Oh yeah, Paul does say that the civil magistrate bears the sword for justice (Rom. 13:1-7). But ever notice how this is in the middle of his admonitions to Christians to love their enemies and not seek personal revenge? It's a contrast more than anything. (Rom 12:9-13:10). 8/
9) What about husbands to whom wives are to submit? Surely they have to be strong and manly to be respected! Well, who is their model: oh yeah, it's Jesus, the Lamb who was slain. (Eph 5:21ff). 9/
10) What then about "taking thoughts captive?" Really? In context, it's about Paul confronting the "super apostles" who were outwardly stronger. So Paul captured the Corinthians' thoughts regarding true Xn leadership -- of Christ's power being perfected in *weakness.* OK, done.
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