1/ Clients with budget constrained feature documentary projects consistently hand me drives that are overpriced overkill for their projects.

So it's time for a mini-rant on how independent documentary filmmakers can save money on storage.
2/ It's totally unnecessary to keep all of the camera original files for a feature documentary on a single large RAID and is simply a waste of money (and RAID 5 is not a safe form of backup anyway, despite what many think).
3/ Don't do the creative editing using the original files, make small ProResProxy files and use only those files for the edit. Never put the camera original files into the edit project.
4/ As long as you make sure the proxies have full original LPCM audio in them, you simply don't need the camera original files in the edit. They just get in the way and slow you down.

All the proxies for a whole film can easily fit on a small portable HDD or SSD.
5/ ProResProxy files take little bandwidth, so the drive doesn't even have to be very fast.
7/ At the conclusion of the edit, you just media manage from the bare drives to copy only the files that are used in the locked cut to a fast SSD to hand over to your colorist.

That's how to stop buying those big expensive unnecessary RAIDs.



For all the cloning/backup/archiving of the original media

I'd recommend using @hedgeforvideo

It's fast, simple to use, and I sleep well at night knowing that all my drive/folder clones are accurate

I have no direct connection to them, I just love the app!


For easily keeping track of what is on all those individual external drives, and to make them searchable even when they are sitting on the shelf

I use Neofinder https://cdfinder.de 
You can follow @restlesspix.
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