So #Roadkill starts with the conclusion of a libel trial, where it’s mentioned the jury found for the claimant politician. Presumption of trial by jury in libel case was reversed by 2013 Act. Would be great if researchers got it right.
More inaccuracies perhaps? A criminal barrister leading a libel trial? I know we had criminal silks in Depp v NGN but I don’t think it’s becoming a regular trend #Roadkill
So apparently the defendant publication is liable for over £ 1 million. Hopefully that’s not damages - “ceiling figure” for damages in defamation is around £275,000 but I suppose £725,000 isn’t an unreasonable figure for costs up to a libel trial #Roadkill
A newspaper proceeding to publish photographs of a minister’s daughter taking drugs. In real life, if sued, they would have to justify publication is in the public interest, as I imagine those photographs aren’t in the public domain already #Roadkill
I’ve decided to binge this and will continue this thread on any other legal howlers.
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