A note on declined work

1. You are already enough

2. Remember that we - like all journals - have VERY limited bandwidth; it's not personal if you aren't published with us. It is not a statement on your worth or talent if we pass

3. We ALWAYS encourage you to try us again!
A declined submission, YES, can be a chance to revisit your work and hone your craft

...but also: follow your gut! If you feel strongly that a piece is finalized, send it elsewhere. Don't be discouraged. It's natural/common to have declines (doesn't invalidate the feelings tho)
Luckily there is SPACE at the table for everyone. We know that declines suck and sometimes hurt and feel personal but they don't mean you're not welcome into the publishing space! (Our editors have been declined MANY times).
We at Luna Luna view this as a family, a coven, a collaboration. While curation is important to us, inviting all sorts of voices — and not just ONE style — is key.

We try to publish a variety of voices/styles & make space for a diversity of new writers, established writers, etc
One last thing:

Publishing can be problematic. Gatekeeping. Institutional validation, etc. This is a complex conversation worth exploring.

So...self-publishing can be VERY empowering JUST like publishing with your favorite journals can be empowering.

We support you all!
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