Obama paid-off Joe w/ VP position (knowing he would use it for $$$) as a pay-back for Joe's work covering the passport issue in '07/08. Biden was Chair of Senate Foreign Relations Committee with jurisdiction over the State Dept. breech. [By John Brennan]

http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2008/mar/20/obama-passport-files-violated-2-workers-at-state-f/ https://twitter.com/TheLastRefuge2/status/1317897642865819650
“This individual’s actions were taken without the knowledge or direction of anyone at The Analysis Corp. and are wholly inconsistent with our professional and ethical standards,” Brennan’s company said in a statement sent to reporters after the passport breach was made public.
People would have you believe after 25 years within the CIA, and after being the Chief of Staff to the Director, and after being the person who set up the counter terrorism center, and after being the CIA approved contractor for the State dept....
...well, Brennan just didn’t know someone from his firm was penetrating the passport files within the State Dept. on three occasions in Jan and Feb to look at information of the candidate who he was specifically working for.

Well, that was the story, & they stuck to it in '08
After the initial inquiry, federal investigators maintained the target of the illegal activity was Obama’s passport file. It does not take a stretch to come to the conclusion this was for the sole purpose of cleansing records of information adverse to Obama’s candidacy.
Brennan was, at the time, an unpaid advisor working with Obama’s campaign.
Passport files include an applicant’s name, social security number, date/place of birth and passport number. Information may include birth certificates, naturalization certificates, or oaths of allegiance for U.S. born persons who adopted citizenship of foreign country as minors.
It is important to remember the legislative oversight group who would be investigating the breach – The Senate Foreign Relations Committee oversees the State Department.
Senator Joe Biden was the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee at the time the breach would be investigated.
Biden became the VP pick of Obama.
In mid February 2010, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs alerted WH reporters who regularly cover daily events that certain questions about Obama’s job with Business International Corporation (BIC) would not be subject to discussion.
BIC was well-known in Washington DC to be a front company for the CIA, hence many speculated the State Department passport records were scrubbed to erase any mention of Obama’s CIA activity.
How long has the DC administrative state, the Deep State and the larger intelligence community, been selecting U.S. candidates for the office of the presidency?
It's a much bigger question than most consider normally...
... and now, those same entities... have a better tool than having to break into offices, hack into computers, and extract the information they need.

What tool is that?
This tool.... 👇
Making sense now?...
Making sense now?
Making sense now?...
"This is not simply another 4-year election. This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not 'We The People' reclaim control over our government."
"The political establishment that is trying everything to stop us, is the same group responsible for our disastrous trade deals, massive illegal immigration, and economic and foreign policies that have bled this country dry."
"The political establishment has brought about the destruction of our factories and our jobs, as they flee to Mexico, China and other countries throughout the world."
"It’s a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth, and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities."
"Let’s be clear on one thing: the corporate media in our country is no longer involved in journalism. They are a political special interest, no different than any lobbyist or other financial entity with an agenda."
"And their agenda is to elect the [Bidens] at any cost, at any price, no matter how many lives they destroy."
"This is a struggle for the survival of our nation. This election will determine whether we are a free nation, or whether we have only the illusion of Democracy but are in fact controlled by a small handful of global special interests rigging the system."
"This is not just conspiracy but reality. You know it, and I know it."
"The establishment and their media enablers wield control over this nation through means that are well known. Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe and morally deformed."
"They will attack you, they will slander you, they will seek to destroy your career and reputation. And they will lie, lie and lie even more. And they will do worse than that."
"People who are capable of such crimes against our nation are capable of anything."
"But I take all of these slings and arrows for you. I take them for our movement, so that we can have our country back. Our great civilization, here in America and across the civilized world, has come upon a moment of reckoning."
"We’ve seen it in the United Kingdom, where they voted to liberate themselves from global government and global trade deals and global immigration deals that have destroyed their sovereignty."
"But the central base of world political power is here in America, and it is our corrupt political establishment that is the greatest power behind the efforts at radical globalization and the disenfranchisement of working people."
"Their financial resources are unlimited. Their political resources are unlimited. Their media resources are unlimited. And, most importantly, the depths of their immorality is unlimited."
"The only thing that can stop the Corrupt [Biden] Machine is you. The only force strong enough to save this country is you. The only people brave enough to vote out this corrupt establishment is you, the American People."
"They control the Department of Justice" ... "Likewise, they have corrupted the Director of the FBI to the point at which stories are already saying the great men and women who work for the FBI are embarrassed and ashamed to what he’s done to one of our great institutions."
"This is a conspiracy against you, the American people.

This is our moment of reckoning as a society and as a civilization."
"I didn’t need to do this. I built a great company, and I had a wonderful life. I could have enjoyed the benefits of years of successful business for myself and my family, instead of going through this absolute horror show of lies, deceptions and malicious attacks."
"I’m doing it because this country has given me so much, and I feel strongly it was my turn to give back."
"Some people warned me this campaign would be a journey to hell. But they are wrong, it will be a journey to heaven because we will help so many people."
"In my former life, I was an insider as much as anybody else – and I know what’s like to be an insider. Now I am being punished for leaving their special club and revealing to you their great scam. Because I used to be part of the club, I’m the only one who can fix it."
" I’m doing this for the people, and this movement, and we will take back this country for you and Make America Great Again."
"The corrupt establishment knows that we are an existential threat to their criminal enterprise. They know, that if we win, their power is gone and returned to you. The clouds hanging over our government can be lifted, and replaced with a bright future"...
..."but it all depends on whether we let the New York Times decide our future, or whether we let the American people decide our future."
"I will not lie to you. These false attacks hurt. To be lied about, to be slandered, to be smeared so publicly and before your family, is painful."
"But I also know, it’s not about me – it’s about all of you. It’s about all of us, together, as a country."
"It’s about the Veterans who need medical care, the mothers who’ve lost children to terrorism and crime, it’s about the inner cities and the border towns who desperately need our help, it’s about the millions of jobless Americans."
"This election is also about the African-American and Hispanic communities whose communities have been plunged into crime, poverty and failing schools" ... "They’ve robbed these citizens of their future, & I will give them their hope, jobs and opportunities back. I will deliver."
"This election is about every man, woman and child in our country who deserves to live in safety, prosperity and peace.

We will rise above the lies, the smears, and the ludicrous slanders from ludicrous reporters."
"We will vote for the country we want.

We will vote for the future we want.

We will vote for the politics we want."
"We will vote to put this corrupt government cartel out of business. We will remove from our politics the special interests who have betrayed our workers, our borders, our freedoms, and our sovereign rights as a nation."
"We will end the politics of profit, we will end the rule of special interests, we will put a stop to the raiding of our country – and the disenfranchisement of our people."
"Our Independence Day is at hand, and it arrives, finally, on November 3rd. Join me in taking back our country, and creating a bright and glorious new dawn for our people."
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