The amount of foreshadowing in the first 2 minutes of ep 1 of Lovecraft The warriors that trained Hippolyta (that she’d eventually lead) are in the background, fighting in that scene as well.
That the book George & Hippolyta worked on had to be called “The Negro Guide” instead of the real/historic ‘The Green Book’, and the movie called “The Green Book” was made into a white savior film that Hollywood loved...
...just so many different ways Black creators get gaslit & have to navigate this damn town.
The introduction shot/scenes for each’re so damn perfect, espc re-watching. Because it’s all there. Everything was right there.
Tic: Uncle George...remind me why the White House is white?

Uncle George: ...war of 1812. British soldiers put the executive branch to torch. Then later when the slaves rebuilt it, they had to paint the walls white to cover...

Tic...the burn marks.

Leti literally naming herself to George Freeman in ep 1 (after he repeatedly called her girl/refused to let her drive) “my name’s not girl, it’s Leticia fuckin Lewis” is foreshadowing Hippolyta having to eventually do the same.
Abd s/o to Christina who was also driving like a bat out of hell. Man the pilot is so damn good.
And when Leti & het brother get to arguing, Tic iz visibly upset. It’s reminding him of he & his father. It’s the 1st time we see him brought back to his reality. George comes out & he & Tic have that talk about George not protecting him. Then we hear glass break inside...
...and Leti telling her brother “stop you’re hurting me”. Tic goes to go back into the house & George stops him. Telling him “that’s family business”...and that is the same line of thinking Dora’s father (in the flashback) said to George/Montrose’s father as he was literally...
...beating a young Montrose in the front yard. Young Dora running out of her house to protect young Montrose, as his father raised his switch *to her*
Scarlett just pointed out that the first time we meet William, Christina’s theme song is/was playing. She’s so good at picking up these things.
Also, when we first meet Father Braithwite, Christina is there. Her father is having his liver cut out. Got me thinking, does her father know that Christina *is* William? Bcuz in the Black Tie meeting w/ Tic & Uncle George, William was there. We now know Christina *is* ...
...William. So in the scene with her father, grandstanding on his knowledge about their history’s birthright, there was Christina. Playing her part...and being smarter than everyone in the room. Including her father who...she set up to be killed. Boy I tell ya...
...which was why, when she gave “whiteness” to Ruby, she was like girl...ALL YOU WANNA DO IS BE WHITE & WORK???? Oh no boo. There is so much more.
Very similar to Hippolyta. Can you dream for something that you’ve never seen? Christina is white & thru her father & WM around her, she’s seen how “earthly” limitations mean nothing. She knows magic is real. And with magic...why the fuck would she be some man’s little wife?
And it took Hippolyta, a BW, a literal math/science genius in the 1950’s to be taken to outter space, by ‘I am’ to even imagine her very own possibilities. She had to go to outter space to live in a world where she was Hippolyta. And not just George Freeman’s little wife...
...and Dee’s mother. Wow man
Christina’s *only* boundary is her gender. She *is* white, but a woman. Tic’s *only* boundary is his race. He *is a man, but he’s Black. And even by the Braithwaite’s own laws, Tic, *not* Christina, is the heir to the throne. So they’re in competition w/each other. BUT...but...
...for Leti, Ruby & Hippolyta...they literally had to die, be turned white OR be taken to outter space to even BEGIN to imagine what the world *could* be for them. Their possibilities would’ve never been revealed without some sort of magic. How many BW is this true for?
And how many people (Black & White) benefit from Black Women & Black girls *never* realizing their full potential? Even Dee. Surrounded by family, had to save her own damn life. Yeah. This show.
Wiw, okay so ep 3. When Leti is in church? Wow. So the poem that’s playing under her is a poem about being “free”. Flying. Exploring. And how no one is coming to save you from your life. And what we see is a BW, getting caught up in the Holy Ghost. Is that Hippolyta? Is this...
...supposed to be George’s funeral? So, picking up on the previous convo...was that scene suggesting that it’s church, where BW are “free” to be passionate? To be “loud”? Free to be themselves? But if that was Hippolyta...we also know that even in church...even in this ...
...”perfect, respectable Negro Woman life” we know she’s not free. She never has been. And neither is Leti, or Ruby who is dead set on working at Marshall Fields.
In ep 3, when Tic goes to Montrose’s house & wakes Montrose out of his drunken sleep...Montrose is reliving Tulsa. The night the WM killed her boo (we didn’t know yet) and the night he, George & Dora escaped. Tic wakes him up by throwing water on him & saying...
...”I got cha kid”. He says it was Uncle George’s fave story. He knows it so well he has dreams about it LIKE HE WAS THERE. A mysterious stranger taking a bat to those WM (and that WW). Foreshadowing like shit!
Omg!!!! This whole ep (ep 3) had been about Leti (after dying) searching for something to FEEL. Something real to hold onto? She didn’t find it in church. She (even tho she loves him) did not find it in Tic. That was her first time & she still felt empty inside. WHAT WOKE HER UP?
HER MOTHAFUCKING ANGER. Her taking that bat to those cars! And what’s playing under her??? Gospel music. The fucking levels 🔥🔥🔥
And it was Leti going out with that bat & the BM in the house getting the guns ready for whatever...that was Letitia’s freedom. Her awakening!!! Her rebirth!!! Thru her anger & it was her sister, Ruby who came in to take the guns away🔥
This ep also shows that family trauma (brought on my racism/anyi-Blackness & slavery) disrupts people’s lives. As Leti is trying to figure out these pictures...she has an argument with Ruby. Here comes family trauma (the result of slavery) interrupting Black ppl from being... to be in the present. Stops folks from being able to move on & grow. And as much as we try much as we want to...desperately want to...the cycles continue. It’s all systemic. We’ve picked up unhealthy (and sometimes deadly) coping skills...that are passed on.
“The function, the very serious function of racism is distraction. It keeps you from doing your work. It keeps you explaining, over and over again, your reason for being. Somebody says you have no language and you spend twenty years proving that you do...
...Somebody says your head isn’t shaped properly so u have scientists working on the fact that it is. Somebody says u have no art, so you dredge that up. Somebody says you have no kingdoms, so you dredge that up. None of this is necessary. There will always be one more thing.”
That was a Toni Morrison quote. And it’s so true. And so perfect. In 2020.
And Leti literally not being able to be at peace in this house until the spirits of the murdered Black ppl are both acknowledged & honored is really powerful. The house would’ve stayed uninhabitable until that was done. Like how the United States will always have uprisings... we saw this summer because this country has never done right by Black people. Ever. Whether voting or not, protesting or not, us protecting ourselves & not. We’ve done everything & blame each other for white supremacy being white supremacy. As if it’s our fault...
...or our problem to fix. It leaves us stunted & having the same conversations we’ve had, amongst ourselves, for the last 100 years.
There’s also something so beautiful about the way this show portrays Black children/Black childhood in this country. How, not only can they push you to be better (if you listen) but that they have a right to not be bound by the fears & limitations *you* (the parent) put on them.
How it was Dee who yelled out that her momma named a star when Hippolyta wanted it to be a secret amongst them. How it was Dee who drew her mother as a comicbook character. A discoverer. Like it was Tic who saved his parents & his uncle this whole time.
And how Dee, at Bobo’s funeral, heard all of the adults around her talking about their own trauma & how this was like an initiation for Black children. Talking around her & about her...but not talking *to* her. So she was alone...except for 2 Black girl demons chasing her🙃
The literal history of how even Black children have been demonized & it was that legacy that was haunting & chasing her. And she had to make that choice to fight them off without anyone telling her who they were *or* what was happening.
And Ji-Ah. Oh Ji-Ah. In keeping with magic & the expectations people put on you. Espc on women...Ji-Ah wants that freedom to create her own life. A new life that is hers. Her mother is using her & Tic has his own trauma. If Ji-Ah was free, what would she want to be??
We saw even in her own freedom, in her beginning to choose what she wants for her life, she chose to fly to America to protect whom? Tic. And Tic did not return the favor. So now what for her? Hopefully we find out.
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