"Leaving it to history" means "leave it to white supremacy." it's disgusting for white people to even feel comfortable suggesting that the white supremacist fascist should evade any accountability when Black people have been ravaged by Covid https://twitter.com/NickKristof/status/1317811812440723458
we already know history books have been whitewashed and spread disinformation about our past.

it’s just a royal “fuck you” to the people most harmed by Trump to say “leave it to the history books” — god forbid powerful white people are ever held accountable.
the best way to help history books be accurate is to have a TRC! we are in a time of information silos. the right-wing disinfo ecosystem is vast & STRONG

considering how ivy leagues cater to white supremacist interests i’m not shocked a Harvard prof made this terrible suggestion
rich white people should sit this one out.

the people least harmed by Trump should NOT be leading any discourse about how to handle this.
this is literally a public health issue. PUBLIC RECOGNITION and CONDEMNATION of injustice facilitates healing from trauma.

the gall of white people saying that white supremacist should be left to the white supremacist history books.
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