TW // Depressive thoughts, suicidal thoughts (during the entire thread prob)

Hey, so uhm I figured I should probably just tweet an update on my mental health, since I did notice I have been acting a bit differently these past few days. It won't be long, a short thread.
So yeah, these past few weeks my already bad depression has been getting significantly worse, i've noticed. Even if I try to distract my thoughts (which usually helps), they never go away. They're constantly there.
Also, my motivation has been depleting ever so rapidly. It's even gotten to the point where it can take me 2 hours to even find the motivation to get out of bed after I wake up, since I just have nothing to look forward to anymore.
My parents usually help me be a little more cheerful, but ever since the incident on thursday, they've been either depressed or angry. That just makes my thoughts worse, too. Also, my coping mechanism, which helps me get at least a little dopamine, I can't do rn.
Well, at least not until after monday, that is. Monday is the day that decides everything. After monday, things will either be better or worse. Most likely better, but i'm unsure. You'll have to be patient with me. But this won't last forever, I promise.
This thread got really long...sorry..but yeah, if I seem more depressed, or if I don't tweet as often as usual, that's why I guess. I promise i'll be better soon, most likely after monday, but for now i'll just have to deal with it. Sorry about this.
End of thread.
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