The entire story behind the 2 yr Benghazi/Email plan to take down Hillary is that it worked purely because of sexism. 2016 was only ever about sexism.
The economic insecurity arguments? An illusion—it was sexism. The Hillary-was-corrupt line? Sexism. The leftist backlash to her policies? Literally all bs it was sexism.
The saddest part is how many millennial women let themselves become mouth pieces for the exploding sexism coming from millennial men in 16. That should weigh heavily on their consciences forever.
Tbh I think the intensity of the millennial feminist backlash post-2016 in fact comes from an unaddressed, un-admitted guilt for that clear role.
Once Biden’s win happens, we need to collectively take a look at what it means: an older, more conservative, more policy-wise problematic and gaffe-prone candidate is looking to sail 8-10 points above Hillary, with little leftist resistance and no effective scandals against him
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