Gonna share my nonbinary story:

I identified as a cis ally through high school and my first year of college. Looking back, this was mainly because there wasn't anyone in my high school LGBT club who has out that I really related to.
I've always been into creative writing, and I gradually noticed that I really enjoyed writing from the point of view of female or agender characters who were similar to me in a lot of ways. I also read some great queer sci fi.
Eventually, I had the realization that these characters were something I genuinely identified with, and I slowly started calling myself nonbinary. I've always kinda avoided highly masculine-coded spaces, outfits, and mannerisms, so this was a pretty natural fit.
Another significant milestone was creating a fursona. Like, once I decided to represent myself as a bat, going with an androgynous body and hair seemed like a pretty small thing.
As you might know since I post selfies, I pass as a cis guy. While I have a specific image in my head of how I'd like to look, I've weighed the costs of transitioning, both financial and social, against how much I care about my appearance and it's not worth it for me right now.
In some sense, it's enough to have my fursona and know internally that I can identify and see myself that way. That said, when I am seen by others as nonbinary (even something little like being called a mom friend), it makes me really really happy!
Ok that's all if you've read this far thank you so so much. Have a wonderful day!
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