I will now make some mildly pro-woman posts, 🐝 warned you REDPILLED BEASTS! you are my friends but you have silly and destructive ideas about women.
I’ve dated virgins and I’ve dated party girls and I’ve had my heart broken by both in fairly honorable and straightforward ways and have no ill will toward either set, they’re all making the best of a bad situation.
The sexual marketplace is an ugly metaphor but it’s useful in some very limited ways and one such way that’s never really broached in the PUA/manosphere world is the RATIONAL MARKETS hypothesis BUT FOR FINDING PARTNERS
Short version: you cannot outwit the market, long term.

You will always find exceptions, I cannot tell you none are real, but the ability of ppl to delude themselves is ENDLESS.

You cannot consistently beat the market by stock picking and you cannot consistently date up.
Now! I don’t mean you can’t find a nice girl or guy. You can! But I mean anybody selling you a system for finding somebody who deserves better than you is a grifter and your complaints about the quality available to you reflect on your own quality.
I only ever read the PUA shit tangentially but I remember...PUAKrauser I think? Once lit up the forums with a fuck you post to all the grifters. He said what everybody knew:

Everybody actually “slaying pussy” was lying or had an angle: coke, managing a band, money, looks, etc.
PUAKrauser was interesting because he started PUA in his thirties and he documented relentlessly and was self critical. And he was very open about mostly failing, just playing a numbers game.
When you consider the baseline prevalence of mental illness in the population the “volume” approach looks even sadder. Guys are just grinding until they hit a girl with no defenses.
Which leads into actual point the first:

if you believe in the evopsych shit (“hypergamy” is evopsych shit) you ALSO believe that women have an incredibly strong evolutionary incentive to screen for cads and fuccbois. And you are fighting all of evolution.
Granted, men have been trying to get past those screens forever okay. But mostly failing. Most men, historically, had one or zero sexual partners.
The idea that you are going to use parlor tricks to find a gf is...I dunno, it will work if you do it hard enough. But it works best on the most vulnerable girls. Girls were getting knocked up in the 1700s, obviously.
Something like a third of firstborn babies in late 1700s Scotland were conceived outside of wedlock, though the majority of those couples then married.
Birth control is the first and by far the biggest reason even relative losers in 2020 are more promiscuous than winners in 1820.

The second reason is affluence, allowing more privacy and less fear of consequences. So promiscuity went up with the automobile, sure.
Anyway, material factors drive history. Culture has been driven by this tech. But basic biology hasn’t changed at all and women still don’t want to spend their lives with losers.
To steal from my good friend @Delicious_Tacos , the problem with a lot of you is that you’re NOT HORNY ENOUGH.

You want a virgin of a particular class and race and educational level and you want her to fuck you while you decide whether to marry her.
Your ancestors BURNED CITIES to gain warbrides, CROSSED OCEANS to gain concubines (which is what you’re actually looking for) and you WHINE about the girls on TINDER.

You are gay!
I am a Christian and I think you should have sexy with your WIFE only. But monogamy in any context is better than promiscuity and providing for your women is better than not, in any context. And many of you are not HORNY enough to accept the hard laws of the universe.
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