This CXC press conference has had to be one of the most disrespectful things I have ever had directed at me, and at students. Dr.Hilary Beckles took his time to boast about CXC, it’s upcoming 50th anniversary, their apparent resilience through a pandemic(through which students-
- still worked through). To indicate the only short term solutions you have are extending the review process (which does not help the situation) and lower the cost of it is an insult to the intelligence of every single student who have an issue with the way they were graded.
As far as referring to the students who had a problem with their results “the minority” is just, there are no words to describe my anger.
These journalists have no grasp whatsoever on this situation. Asking the same redundant questions, while CXC continues to lie, lie so perfectly.
It is also the disrespect towards the teachers for me. The actual literal disrespect for me. These teachers work to the bone to provide the best possible situations for students in a climate that is obviously not the best for students provided by CXC.
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