(Thread warning)

Tbh... I’m kinda over all these opinions and facts and... all this shit that’s been happening back then and now.

You wanna know why? Cuz it’s nothing but shit that just spreads a lot of controversy that’s just waaay too irrelevant.
And here’s why it’s irrelevant:

1.) It’s stressful.

2.) It’s time wasting.

3.) It’s pointless.

Like, we’re here to have fun, right? So why is it that whenever we have different opinions, we end up tearing each other’s heads off? I don’t get it.
But with me? I don’t have time to discuss shit that’s obviously gonna end up being some kind of all-out war... and the reason being is because my time is valuable. And as I said, I’m here to vibe, crack jokes, and be a loving friend to all, not be a pushover.
Like I don’t care about the latest news, I don’t care about politics, and I sure as hell don’t care about the shit that you like. If you like something, cool. I’m happy for you. Just don’t be an ass.
It honestly sickens me how corrupted humanity has become... and while as a human being myself I show sympathy, give people condolences to their families’ lives, AND care about people’s well-being, what I’m seeing as of now when it comes to discussions is nothing but-
-constant beef that’s hella unnecessary.

Like, in the end, and I hate to put it bluntly, but... nobody cares. We’re here to enjoy what we do, not debate over dumb shit.
Thank you for coming to my pep talk.

If you have a different opinion, if you agree OR DISAGREE with what I’m saying, then by all means, discuss, you’re entitled to your opinion.
Just be respectful.
You can follow @sonicmariohero.
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