shiny turtwig starter in platinum aye
story about why this rng was a complete nightmare in the replies but also a fun adventure. it's a lot of nerdy tech talk i'm sorry lmao gotta infodump even tho no one knows wtf i'm saying
(turtwig pic attached for good measure)
ok so i don't have a complete platinum save file. i bought this cartridge semi-recently. as a result i am nowhere close to getting the coin flip app on the poketch, which is post-rock climb hm. i wanted a shiny starter and decided i -
was too impatient to play the game up to that point just to calibrate my game and then reset everything for shiny turtwig. (i need to know my average calibrated delay, whether my game defaults to evens/odds, etc)
what i ended up doing was trading an oddish and two chatots -
for sweet scent and chatter frame advancement respectively from my SS to my plat. i then calibrated there without the usage of coin flip by just catching stuff on route 202 (the save file had just arrived at jubilife city) on frame 1, plugging ivs into a calculator, and then -
searching that vague spread up within the vicinity of my actual target seed. seeds generally look the same and have repeating numbers when they are closeby so i just looked for a matching seed and knew that's what i hit. went thru normal calibration process, just more tedious -
and THEN i made a new save file, rnged the TID/SID for a good rng spread later, got the TID 07500 because it looks cool, and then it was time for starter rng. my pokefinder was fucking up and my results were making no sense, idk what happened, but eventually my pokefinder -
CRASHED and when i loaded it back up and got back to what i was doing it was fixed?? i guess?? thanks pokefinder. anyways i then did blind starter rng without seed verification because duh i'm getting my starter... while sleep deprived... and making a lot of number input -
mistakes into eontimer and warring with the frame advancements from a nearby npc. n then finally after multiple hours and a snack break, i got him. i will be naming him peanut bc yes

also while calibrating on the other save file i got this bidoof lmfao... the end
sometimes i really do wonder why i find this stuff entertaining
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