#StarWarsSunday Custom figure thread, part 1.

I decided to update the Island Journey VC Rey, and the Ep 9 version of Rey, plus her dark side version. IJ Rey is the only one finished
Since I have 3 Ep 9 Rey's (1 to forever remain carded) I wanted to update her to look more like a Jedi and less than a desert scavenger. But the head on Island Journey Rey bothered me..until I saw Ep 9. It would make for a perfect dark side Rey.
So I did a simple head swap. Took about 20 seconds time. So now, Island Journey Rey is complete! For dark side Rey, I put on the IJ Rey head, trimmed the hanging cloth and painted her black, and painted black boots. Used flat clear sealant on the clothes and belt..
...and gloss clear sealant on the boots. I couldn't remove her holster, so I might use that to store her double bladed lightsabee hilt, or just keep the blaster. My custom Dark Side Rey is unfinished, I'll come back to that later.
For Ep 9 Rey, I trimmed the hanging cloth to give her more room to do some Jedi poses. I also gave her "boots" painting them flat dark tan (2 coats) plus clear flat sealant. I have yet to give her a lightsaber, maybe Bastila Shan's double yellow bladed lightsaber.
For Ep 9 Rey, I might paint her "boots" in gloss dark tan, with a gloss sealant cover when dried to make it pop out more. The key word is might.
Also, I'm giving Dark Side Rey a black cloak, possibly a spare Luke or Sith Lord robe.
#StarWarsSunday End thread.
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