why being a ‘larry’ is harmful. a long but necessary thread.
since i have a lot of larry moots i thought i’d tweet this, no this isn’t a thread of reasons of why you should ‘unlarry’ because ik it can be hard? for some of u, it’s basically saying why you shouldn’t PUBLICLY be a larry!
first of all,the ship itself isn’t harmful, you can believe whatever tf u want, thats ur opinion.but when you publicly speak about it or link everything they do to larry or try find proof in everything they do, that’s when it’s harmful, and no it’s not just bluegreeners who do it
1-outing them.
we all know that harry is unlabelled, meaning he doesn’t label himself with a sexuality, and we should respect that. but as for louis, as far as we know, he is straight, he hasn’t said anything otherwise and we shouldn’t assume he is anything otherwise. and no,
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saying that louis is straight isn’t homophobic? he himself tweeted that he is and we should respect that, don’t assume his sexuality until he says otherwise. even if you don’t believe that tweet was him, you would still be publicly outing him, which is extremely
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harmful to louis and his career, if you actually care about him you would know how dangerous it would be if people kept outing him.
2- disrespecting the people they love. i get u do a lot of research, but you don’t know everything that goes on in their life, the ship can be invasive to them and their life.
just listen to this.
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3- fetishising mlm
this doesn’t include everyone, but i’ve seen A LOT of drawings and deep fakes of l & h that straight people have made. THAT is fetishising them, not only is it disgusting but they have said it makes them uncomfortable, but people still do it.
4- continued
ik it can be your comfort ship, or you still believe in it ect., just try tweet about it less and try be less invasive in their lives. try to stop looking for proof in every photo or tweet or insta. >
>please be respectful. believe what you want, but don’t take it too far. imo, you shouldn’t ship two people irl, it’s harmful no matter what, but if you still ship them that’s fine, just be cautious with it and don’t speak about it as much. :)
end of thread.
add any more things if you want.
have a good day/night, ily, drink water<3
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