It's sometimes interesting, and probably beneficial, to take some time to acknowledge the assumptions we make in daily thinking. Although most of them are trivial, and necessary for making sense of the world around us, they are still good to keep in mind.
I generalize the world down to how it seams from my perspective, although my perspective is limited. I see the world as a 2D representation based on the information my eyes give me, sometimes failing to recognize that from another perspective the world would look different.
On the other hand I also assume that the world exists beyond my perception of it. There is no way for me to definitively know that things exist without me observing them.
I assume my thoughts are logical and based on reason, although I know for a fact that beliefs I've held before have been proven to be wrong, therefore proving that I can be illogical and unreasonable.
On the other hand, by saying that, I am making the assumption that objective truth exists, that such a thing as reason exists, and that reason can be used to uncover truth.
Just for good measure I would like to add the assumption that:
-I exist
-Reality exists
-I am a part of reality
-I am not a cloud conducting static electricity spontaneously dreaming that I'm a human on earth trying desperately to make sense of the world around me.
And the assumption that I'm probably making a lot more assumptions than I had time to write down in this thread at this very moment.
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