Thread 1 of 10: Reading habits. I'm simplifying my habits down some effective now. I'm taking audiobooks out of the mix for the foreseeable future. I've cancelled both my audio accounts. I just don't enjoy them anymore...
2/10: I read faster. But it's not about reading "faster". It's about quality. And right now I'm looking for comfort reads. I'm willing to try new things....but... in trying new things, I've DNF'ed some pretty big books this year. I just didn't enjoy them...
3/ 10: Now please don't mistake that I am saying those are bad books. EVERY BOOK HAS IT'S READER. Some of those books just weren't for me personally and I'm okay with that...
4/10: I also removed my Goodreads goal this year after all after reading Becky's post @RAforAll yesterday. It really hit home for me. I'm tired of being stressed about reading. I'm tired of keeping up with everything...
5 / 10: I have enough to keep up with my job as a collection development librarian. But just because I have that job doesn't mean I have to READ EVERYTHING. It means I have to know a lot and be familiar with A LOT of books across all genres...
6/ 10: But it doesn't mean I have to READ them all. I'm proud of my collection but I'll never read them all. And unfortunately, I've crossed over into making myself think I'm not reading ENOUGH these past several months (probably the last couple of years).
7 of 10: So, basically what I am saying is that I'm reading for enjoyment now and for pleasure and occasionally for learning to stretch myself. Which means a BUNCH of mystery and few other books in between to cleanse my palate. Audios are off the plate. They stress me out...
8 of 10: DNF's don't mean that books are BAD or TRASH. It means that they weren't for me or my tastes as a reader. It means is that there are plenty of other readers out there that will LOVE your book. As a librarian, I will still buy your book & share it with my patrons...
9 of 10: 2020 has been an incredibly horrible year in so many ways and so many parts of it have changed EVERYTHING but I AM IN CONTROL of this one part of my life and I get to say what goes. I decide what I read. I'm tired of feeling out of control with it.
10/ 10: hope this doesn't sound crazy and spawns some discussion. I know not everyone agrees and that is ok. It doesn't mean I'm stopping participation in things. It means that I am just being more selective. I hope you understand.
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