harry styles as cell organelles — a random but informative thread
MITOCHONDRIA — Mitochondria are double membrane-bound cell organelles responsible for the supply and storage of energy for the cell.

like h who's energy lights up the performance
NUCLEUS — It is often termed the “brain of the cell”, the nucleus is responsible for storage as well as the transfer of genetic materials in the form of DNA or RNA.
LYSOSOME — they’re bags of digestive enzymes that break down foreign substances

we also breakdown when h does something
PEROXISOMES — bags of degradative enzymes that breakdown toxic peroxides

h always says we should stay away from toxic ppl
RIBOSOME — sites of protein synthesis in the cell

we need proteins to function just like we need h
ROUGH ER — participates in protein synthesis
GOLGI APPARATUS — modifies proteins and packages them into secretory granules or vesicles.
MICROTUBULES — they are conveyer belts inside the cells. They move vesicles, granules, organelles like mitochondria,
CENTRIOLES — they play a role in organizing microtubules that serve as the cell's skeletal system
end of the thread

for obvious reasons i didn’t include all cells lol
inspo: https://twitter.com/unotaehyung/status/1308630688082530306
stream mfs
this too lol
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