How I managed to get 8th place ITW for #UCLfantasy

✅A Thread✅

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*Part two which is a rundown of all of my GWs will be out soon!
A quick overview-
⏺I’ll be starting out with my strategies and specific tips and hints I used myself last season

⏺I will also go over most of my GWs individually and see what I did that worked and also what I shouldn’t have done
Starting off we have some of the strategies I used to pick players and make decisions. Overall scouting played a big part and got me into the top 10 💯!
One of the things I stress the most is scouting 🔎 players, it is if not the most important-
part to most fantasy games. This is also extremely relevant to #UCLfantasy since there are 32 clubs with teams spanning from The Prem to the Russian League. This means more players 👚and more differentials or unknowns. More specifically you can find hidden gems 💎 with low-
ownership. All you have to do is do some research on top goals scorers or performers and leagues and look at their form and stats 〽️.This is the exact way I found Haaland last year as a 4.5 Striker with under 5% ownership. I captained © him and his hattrick ⚽️ boosted me greatly.
This year by doing some research the likes of Daka and Koita from Salzburg 🇦🇹 are great options with low ownership from which people found out through research. And while all of this may sound 🗣 obvious, so many people go for the top priced or most well known players.
Many tend to look at last season stats and base their decision off that simply since that player did well last year. The name of the game is truly to look and see who is in form, it can’t get much simpler then that.
✅Captaincy decisions✅

This partially ties into research and stat checking. You really want to pick players who are in form and banging 💥 in recent matches. Captains can either make or break your week so chose wisely- might I add on it’s a big misconception that you must-
chose differentials, in fact going for well known premium captains who have high ownership 🔣is good since they have a higher chance of doing well. Captains last year set me on the path to success ✅. From the weeks I have recorded which is 8/10 I manages 238 points from © alone!
That is about 30 points per GW. Out of all of those points, the only major differential captain pick I had was the first week with Haaland. The rest were with common and well owned players in form. One example would be Sterling who gained 22 points and 44 as my ©.
I can credit this to of course looking at his recent history and seeing his 🔥 form along with being a prime player with a good fixture.

*A quick note 📝 also to add here for some beginners is that you can indeed change captain picks through a week as it is a rolling deadline.
This means that you should and I do recommend taking risks with differentials first so they you can change it to a more well supported player if they blank. However if this takes away from a better premium captain pick, you may want to rethink 🧠.

The third and big major player to my success last year was how I played my chips. The two different chips, LWC and WC, at least one should be used in the group stage such as I had last year. Mainly I would point to LWC 🔁 in the GS. This is because there are-
the most amount of players available, along with the highest priced players still in the game. With using this, you can fully maximize your efficiency when using this chip and easily get over the budget 💰 with all the players you want. If you were to use it in a later stage-
you would be limited with options and have a closer team compared to everybody else making the chip less helpful. Last year I maximized the efficiency of both my Wildcard and LWC by also looking and planning ahead. Here are some stats 〽️. My wildcard play received me-
89 points with only two blanks 📊🗓. I also made sure to plan ahead, and this decision may have allowed for me to maintain 8th place instead of possibly falling out of the top 50❗️The next week my team was set and ready with players who were in form and had a perfect fixture.
Thanks to my wildcard I managed an incredible 123 points (💯 club). With this MD3 team I had one blank and it skyrocketed my rank up into the top 100. My LWC also extremely helped my cause gaining me a score of 💯 points on the dot .
Overall the week after my WC and my LWC were my first and second highest scoring weeks creating it possible for my #8 placement.
✅Some additional techniques✅

🔵Last year a big thing that influenced many of my GWs was my defense. The main source of points however, was not from CS’s but from attacking returns. I truly believe most of your defenders should be capable or more then capable of being an-
attacking player. Even more so now, where the BBC found more goals in the Prem this year since 1930 and this is attributed to empty stadiums which will partake in the champions league. Players like Tagliafico, Ramos, Bernat, and Kimmich all helped me greatly last season.
🔵Take Risks

This is a very general tip, but I did this a lot last year, and it’s one of those things where you go all out to get everything, or nothing. Things like risky captaincies to subs were all in my playbook last year and managed to have some great outcomes.
If you really want to shoot for those high ranks, this is one of the ways to do it. However you also need to maintain a consistently good team and points per week.

While this is not nearly all you need to know, it’s some of the most major things I did that helped me last season
If you made it this far thank you so much 😊 and if you found it helpful please retweet ♻️!

The second part which is a rundown of each of my GWs will be out soon so stay tuned!

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