1. the word ObViOusLy is ruined for you
2. if you’re bored, you either clown over an ig post or you scream harry styles references that makes your irls a lil uncomfy
3. wellington is more than new zealand’s capital for you
4. you know all the words to talk dirty by jason derulo
5. you stan james corden, and you’re really jealous of him
6. you either yell ‘i’ve got chlamydia’ or ‘maybe i miss you’ when someone says ‘SHIT’
7. you’re really nice until someone says something bad about your fav
8. you found ‘i like girls who eat carrots’ funny when you were 12 y/o but now you’re just uncomfy bc your parents knew what that meant before you did
9. you don’t know the words to Viva La Vida by Coldplay, at least not the chorus. you only hear ‘AAAAAAHHH’
10. you shut the fuck up during louis’ solos in 1d’s music
11. maybe pray a bit during zayn’s high notes cause his vocals are so angelic
12. you use the term ‘this is a family show, or is iiit?’ too often
13. you know that everyone thinks that one direction is just a normal boyband so you don’t tell anyone that you like them because they’re not intellectual enough
14. brick walls make you cry, in a cool way of course
15. every now and then you have mental breakdowns over the fact that you run a stan acc for a dead band
16. you believed louis when he said ‘this is not the end’
17, you did clown on 07/23/20 didn’t you?
18. if english is not you’re first language, you probably learned more from Louis than your english teacher
19. you know that you stan the right people when you see how caring they are and you get proud because you love them so much when they do something helpful
20. you cry over how smol a 28 year old man is but you’re still intimidated by him
21. even though he’s 6 feet tall, you’re not scared of liam cause he’s the human embodiment of a puppy
22. you don’t wish you were heather, you wanna be maya henry
end of thread✨
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