4) There are specific health implications for binary cis, binary trans, NB trans people (mens health, women's health, trans/NB health) sure
5) But there are organ based health issues that affect all people- men w uterus, women w prostates, NB ppl w either of those things
6) There are reproductive health issues that impact beyond the cis binary- pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, cancers of reproductive Organs, fertility - these are not Women or Mens Health problems. They are human reproductive health issues
7) Intersecting within these issues are social determinants that will need to be taken into account sure, but thats about understanding systemic oppressions based on inequality concepts (race, sex, age, ethnicity, physical/mental ability)
8) Loosing my own thread here but, en fin, if we have a better picture of the population we can work better to shape these changes for the good of all humans
9) Noone is loosing out by breaking thru health binary misconceptions, noone gets erased, more people are made visible 🤷🏻‍♂️
My apologies, I realised I also missed intersex humans from this thread. Where I write Trans/NB I should write Trans/NB/Intersex and/or Trans/NB/Intersex/Cis when encompassing all in health + gender/human diversity x
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